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3AW 'Let Your Spirit Fly' Instruments

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This R&B piece was tricky to keep together in time as it had a slower tempo with longer notes and rests. The children really had to listen to the pulse to stay in time. In order to do this, they practised by counting the beats out loud with the notation to help. This way they successfully managed to play all the minims and rests at the same time together. The next step will be to play in time together while counting in their heads!

4SB 'Lean on Me' Instrumental Parts

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This Year 4 class worked very hard to perform two different instrumental parts, on glockenspiels and keyboards, keeping in time and producing harmonies to the soul song 'Lean on Me'. They learnt a lot in one lesson- they had to really listen to the music and to each other, as well as count the beats to keep in time and read the music!

4LM 'Lean on Me' Instrumental Parts

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This class performed the same parts but two children were able to play the organ melody part on top!

4LM 'Lean on Me' Compositions

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After performing their soul piece, 'Lean on Me', the children worked together in pairs to compose two bars of music using minims, crotchets and crotchet rests, to fit the piece. They used the same structure as modelled and changed their note order, using F, G and A to fit with the music. They then performed it together to make a harmony, trying to give it a slow, soulful sound. All children performed on glockenspiels, apart from those who had piano lessons and could notate their composition on a stave.

5JR 'Three Note Bossa' on Keyboards

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Year 5 are learning about jazz music this term. They have learnt to play the head tune of this bossa nova piece together on keyboards, needing to listen very carefully to the music and to each other, as well as count the beats, to keep in unison. This was not easy with such a quick tempo!

5CW 'Three Note Bossa' on Keyboards

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This class played the same piece but changed the instrument type on the keyboards to flute.

6HR 'Bacharach Anorak' on Keyboards

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Year 6 are also learning about jazz music and are developing their keyboard skills further with this piece. It has a more complex head tune, middle eight and improvisation section. They are also learning how to read more complex written notes on sheet music.

6SP 'Bacharach Anorak' on Keyboards

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This Year 6 class managed to play this piece in unison with a faster tempo. It took a bit of practice! They tried to play the notes more legato and staccato where needed to achieve the phrasing.

6HR 'Meet The Blues' Compositions

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After learning to play a piece of jazz music, Year 6 children worked in pairs to compose and write notation for 2 bars of music with a 'jazzy' feel to go with a blues jazz piece. They needed to use a mixture of minims, crotchets and rests and the notes G/A, Bb and C to fit the tune. This pair managed to write a successful piece and perform it separately using their notation so it sounded the same.