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Monday 06.07.20  EYFS Challenges

Water and Water Safety.

Good Morning to all the  Children in RCF and RHG.  We hope that you have had a fun-filled weekend and are bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to learn!

Before we begin can I just send a special thank you to Poppy and her Daddy, for the absolutely amazing and informative, video on staying safe at the beach and in the water, which they have made and posted for us. It really will keep us all safe.  Great job!  More about Water Safety on Wednesday.


Remember how we sometimes begin the day in school by waking up our brains?  We play the Wake Up, Shake Up song.  Please go to Wake Up! School Assembly Song and Dance.



1.  Literacy

We begin this morning by asking you to browse the Home Learning Literacy Folder, where you will find a link to this week's focus story, "Commotion in the Ocean", by Giles Andreas.  Before you watch and listen, have a think...

Just what is a commotion? Do you know what an Ocean is?  If you are unsure, ask your grown up now.  Where do we look for the meaning of words that we do not know?  

Yes, that is correct, in a dictionary.  Check now.

Now that you know what the story is all about, sit back, watch, listen and enjoy.


Which creature do you like the most?  Can you find out at least 3 facts about your chosen creature and write a fact page in your home learning book, together with a drawing.  (Link how to draw sea creatures in this week's Creative Folder). All work posted will receive a Certificate of Excellence.


Here are 3 facts about my favourite Sea Creature, see if you can discover what it is:-

1.  It can look forwards and backwards at the same time.

2. They eat through their snout, (nose).

3.  Its scientific name is Hippocampus.

The first person to post the answer will receive a "Researcher of the Week," Award.


2. Get creative!  Can you rise to the challenge of making your chosen sea creature out of junk materials?  We can't wait to see your wonderful creatures.


3.  Phonics -to begin, can you recite the alphabet whilst jogging on the spot and raising your arms up and down as you say each letter?  

Next browse this week's Phonics Folder.  Our task this week is to learn the 5 vowels,

Aa    Ee    Ii     Oo     Uu

An easy way to remember them is to picture 5 elephants in orange underpants!  Each one holding a sign with the vowels on.  There is a link to Starfall Reading for more learning about the 5 vowels.

Your phonics challenge is to find 5 different living things in the Ocean, one beginning with Aa,  one beginning with Ee and so on.  Please record in your Home Learning Book and share with us to earn your I'm a vowel learning Superstar Award.


4.  Maths - Capacity.  

Capacity meaning how much a container can hold, making it FULL.  Please look in this week's Home Learning Maths Folder, for the video lesson, explaining this concept in more detail.  The video also explains the concept of volume - meaning how much liquid is actually in the container and that liquid is measured in Litres and Millilitres.

Challenge - can you go on a scavenger hunt around the house and find 3 different in size and shape containers, all of which have the same capacity?  Everyone posting will receive a Capacity Champ Certificate.


5.  You are being challenged to make an underwater Diorama by Friday.  For further instructions please see the Creative Folder.

All posting a picture or video of their Diorama on Friday, will get a special mention and Stars Certificate Awarded.


Don't forget, Wednesday this week is all about water safety.  See you then. 

Wednesday 08.07.20  EYFS Challenges

Water Safety


Good Morning to everyone in RHG and RCF and welcome to Water Safety Wednesday!

Living where we do and having a beach and The Mere on the doorstep, water safety is a very important part of our learning.


1.  Watch and listen to STAnleys Water Safety Code of Advice for children, the link is in this week's Home Learning, "Other" Folder.  It covers, rivers, lakes, pools and the beach.

I challenge you to design a Water Safety Code Poster, using the information that you have learned, in your Home Learning Book.

All posters posted, will receive a Water Safety Code Cadet Certificate.


2.  I next challenge you to make an information video advising everyone what they should do, if they see someone in trouble in the water; at the beach or The Mere.  All information videos posted, will receive a Certificate.


3.Watch Poppy's information video called "Rip Tide" which was posted on the Face Book Group page, last Friday.  Then complete a little research of your own, in order to answer the following questions:

a)  What is a Rip Tide?

b)  Where do you find Rip Tides?

c)  Why are they so dangerous?

Talk about each of these with your grown up.

4.  You are now challenged to design a poster, or make an information video, or come up with a good way, that will help people to remember what to do if ever they should be caught in a Rip Tide.  For example, I have written an Acrostic Poem.  The word written downwards in red  is the key word.


Totally Relax,

Heartbeat nice and calm,

I wont be pulled downwards,

Never swim against it,

Keep calm and FLOAT!

All work posted will receive a "Rip Tide Expert" Certificate and will be brought to the attention of Poppy's Daddy, who is a member of the Hornsea Inshore Rescue Team.


5. Hornsea Inshore Rescue began in 1994. 

Each year it is called out around 50 times, to help people in trouble at sea, or in the water.

Could you draw them a picture of the Inshore Rescue Boat with crew, (website link with images in this week's "Other" Folder), to say thank you for the work that they do? All pictures posted will receive a Stars Certificate, and will be brought to the attention of Poppy's Daddy. 


See you back here on Friday.  Don't forget it's Display your Diorama Day.  If you haven't started one yet there's still time.

Information and resources to download if required, in this week's Creative Folder.






Friday 10.07.20  EYFS Challenges

Water and Water Safety

Good Morning Everyone in RCF and RHG  Here are your final challenges of the week.


1.  As Phoebe discovered, my favourite Sea Creature, is a Seahorse.  Today's story, is called "Mr Seahorse", by Eric Carle.  This particular version has a musical accompaniment, which I think adds to the story, together with the beautiful illustrations.  Please use the link in this week's  Literacy  Folder.

After watching and listening carefully, you may like to create your own beautiful Seahorse.  You may like to create one using tissue paper or another effective way is to cut out a Seahorse shape from a piece of bubble wrap.  Then using paints thinned with water, paint a magnificent rainbow coloured Seahorse.  The bubbles of air, add lots of texture, to your work of art.  Adding a frame to your work, gives the Seahorse depth.  Amazing Artist Award, for all who post their pictures.  We love seeing your masterpieces!


2.  Watch the short underwater clip about the Coral Reef and I challenge you to spot the Seahorse.


3.  Today is Diorama Display Day, (all the instructions can be found in this week's Creative Folder).  Display yours to earn a Stars Certificate.


4.  Join in with the letters and sounds of the alphabet song on Boom Shake the Room, (link in this week's Phonics Folder).  Are there any that you still don't know?  You have lots of learning time until Year One, challenge yourself to know them all.  Then read and sing along to the Big Numbers Song, (link in this week's Maths Folder).  Look for the patterns, this will help you to begin to understand place value.


5. For a healthy snack I challenge you to create a Banana Dolphin with your grown up.  There is a link to a food carving site in this week's Other Folder.  Please be careful when using sharp knives.
