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Wednesday 13th May 2020

Just to confuse us all, sometimes the oo makes a different sound! We call them long sounds and short sounds. Moon has a long oo sound and cook has a short oo sound. For the rest of this week have a go at reading and sorting oo words. Is it long or short? 


  • Take a look out of your living room window with your looking eyes. What do you see? Draw a picture and label it.
  • Help your grown up to cook a meal, do you need to use a cook book?
  • How long can you balance on one foot? Use a timer and write your results in a sentence if you can.




Do you remember...






  • Have a look at these strange pictures of the moon. Could you write some labels or a sentence about them? You could tell your grown up and they could write it for you with your help to hear which sounds come next.
  • What animals might you see at the zoo? Can you design your own zoo with all of your favourite animals and label them?

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song

Practise some of your tricky words.
