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Charanga Music World (YUMU)



Username: 6NF

Password: Music



Username: 6SP

Password: Music



Username: 6HR

Password: Music


Go to 'Assignments' to see all the Music lessons you have done so far in Key Stage 2. 


Summer Term

I have added a new unit for the summer term- 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele. Have a go at learning to sing the song, playing the musical games, playing your instruments, improvising and composing to the music. How does the music make you feel? What is the style? 

I am so sorry that we cannot do a leavers show but I hope that you enjoy your last piece of music this year.

Mrs Burton



If you like rap, use the Hip Hop lessons (Adobe Flash Player required) or 'Stop' unit (under the name 'Flexible Pathway') for rap inspiration and backing tracks. Feel free to browse all the other resources and have fun!


(Please bear in mind that Charanga Music World is intended for individual users. The class logins we have set up are for multiple users so others in the class will be using these accounts too.)

We'll Meet Again Singalong


Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Singalong
