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Week 10 15.06.20

YEAR 2    19.06.20 

Hello Year 2!

I hope you have enjoyed your week. What a shame we got some sea fog on the one sunny day- the price we pay for being lucky enough to live by the sea! Well done for keeping going with these challenges and I hope you have started to receive some well deserved certificates from school this week.

Here are some creative Friday challenges. Keep sharing with your teachers on here so they can all see your brilliant work!


Have you ever thought about what might have happened to Paddington if he was not found by Mr and Mrs Brown at the train station? Who else might have found him? Where might he have ended up? Can you write a new version of the Paddington story with your own ideas for what could have happened to him when he arrived in London? Did he have a different adventure in England or did he go back home to Peru? I look forward to seeing your imaginative ideas! There is a frame at the bottom with some boxes to help you to plan ideas for your new Paddington story. There is also an activity on adverbs. Adverbs describe how things happened and often end in ‘ly’. For example the first sentence could say:

“Good morning!” said Mr Gruber, cheerfully.

See if you can think of some more adverbs to complete the sentences then use some adverbs in your story to make it more interesting. You could also add some speech using speech marks if you can!


Learning your times tables is really important to help you in lots of areas of Maths. Can you practise your 2, 5 and 10x tables? You could chant them, sing them or write them down. Ask if someone can test you on them to see if you know them off by heart. If you are confident at those times tables, move on to practising your 3 and 4x tables. I have added links to the Jack Hartmann songs for each of these times tables below. (Please remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube). Have fun!








Please practise your spellings dated 12.06.20 on the website- they are all homophones- two words which sound the same but are spelt differently and mean different things. Ask someone in your house to test you and practise writing them in the garden if the weather is nice. Could you write them in the air, in some water or in some sand or soil?

Then complete your spelling test from the website or the link below.



Now, you know that Paddington is from ‘Darkest Peru’. What do you think it is like there? How do you imagine it to look? What plants and animals live there? Can you create a picture or collage of deepest, darkest Peru? What colours, shapes and textures will you use? You could do some more research into Peru for this or you could use your imagination- it’s up to you!

To help to inspire you with this, here is a link to some Peruvian pan pipe music, with images of Peru, which you could listen to while you create your artwork... (Please remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube).

An extra challenge: Can you find out which type of bears live in Peru and are Paddington’s relations?


I said there was a link from your physical challenge on Wednesday to today’s activity- where are llamas from? Llamas were mentioned in one of the songs on the Go Noodle House Party Animal Edition! If you have done your research, you will know that they are of course from South America, and many are found in Peru!

Now try being some Peruvian animals! Can you pretend to climb a tree like a bear (did you find out which type are Paddington’s relations?)? Can you walk on all fours like a llama? Can you soar in the air like a condor bird? Can you swim like an Amazon River dolphin? Can you prowl like a jaguar? Finally, can you waddle across the floor like a Humboldt penguin? Have a game where someone asks you and a family member to move like those creatures- see who is the quickest to get the correct move!

Have a fabulous Friday and a lovely weekend! See you for your last week of Paddington work next week.

Mrs Burton

17.06.20  YEAR 2

Hello Year 2!

I hope you enjoyed finding out about teddy bears this week. I have discovered lots of things about them that I didn’t know! I have loved seeing all your fantastic work and especially your super ideas for Maths activities. Keep up the great work!

If you look at the school website, I have now added some links to activities in the Year 2 Music and French folders, if you would like to have a go at them. I have also added a French story to have a listen to, but don't worry there are English subtitles to read so you can understand it!

Here are your challenges for today...


I have really enjoyed reading all your brilliant writing about Paddington Bear. Now that you know so much about him, can you write a guide for how to look after him? Think about all the things that you have described about him and also some of the things that you wrote on his label, if you chose to make one for him. What does he like? What does he not like? What does he eat and drink? How does he get washed? Can you think of anything else that someone might need to know in order to look after him? Using what you learned about writing instructions from the marmalade sandwich recipe activity, can you write a set of instructions using imperative (bossy) verbs telling people how to look after him? You could add extra information about him with pictures and subheadings to help. There are a couple of examples of guides to looking after your dog below to help you with this.

I am looking forward to seeing some more great work!


Here is a Maths game for you to exercise your brain! Write the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 on separate pieces of paper. Turn the pieces of paper over so that you cannot see the numbers. Pick up 2 pieces of paper, look at the digits and use them to make a 2 digit number. Start counting from that number. Try counting forwards and backwards in different steps. You could try counting in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, or perhaps you could challenge yourself to count in other steps! See how challenging you can make it for yourself, how far you can get, and/ or time yourself and a family member to see how quickly you can count in different steps. Have fun with it!

For example, if you picked 3 and 5 to make 35:

35, 36, 37, 38, 39...

35, 34, 33, 32, 31...


35, 37, 39, 41, 43...

35, 33, 31, 29, 27...


35, 40, 45, 50, 55...


35, 45, 55, 65, 75...     and so on. 

Can you see any patterns?



Please practise your spellings dated 12.06.20 on the website- they are all homophones- two words which sound the same but are spelt differently and mean different things.



Now, you know how to look after Paddington, but what do other animals need to survive? Watch the video and have a go at the quiz on the BBC Bitesize link below to find out what all animals need to survive.

Can you make a poster or a guide about what animals need to survive? Perhaps you could make a leaflet or a PowerPoint- it’s up to you! Again, think about adding pictures and subheadings to set it out clearly. I look forward to seeing more creative results!


This is my favourite physical activity so far- the Go Noodle House Party Animal Edition! Have a go at the animal themed dances and, if you can do them, there are two physical challenges. But be warned- they need some food items (whipped cream, dried beans and empty drinks bottles) and they could get a bit messy- so ask an adult if you can do them first!!

There is a connection with this activity and one of Friday’s activities... where are llamas from? See if you can find this out before Friday!


Have fun and your teachers and I will look forward to seeing what you do!

Mrs Burton

15.06.20  YEAR 2

Hello Year 2!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend! Maybe you managed a picnic outside in the last couple of days with the sun coming out? Keep posting your great work for all your teachers to see or, if you prefer, you can email it now. Mrs Beaumont has added two Paddington Kahoot quizzes in the topic folder on the school website, if you would like to have a go at those too.

Here are your next challenges...


By now I’m sure most of you will know a LOT about Paddington Bear. Can you now write a description of Paddington? There are two frames at the bottom to help. The first one asks you to answer ‘What is Paddington Bear like?’, ‘What do we know about him?’ and ‘What is special about him?’.  The second frame has a picture of Paddington- can you write a few sentences about what Paddington looks like? If you wish, you can label the picture of Paddington with adjectives (describing words). Your teachers and I will look forward to seeing how you describe him!


How tall do you think Paddington is? I wonder if you could estimate how tall he is in centimetres. Now have a look at one of your teddies. Can you estimate how tall your teddy is in centimetres? Have a look at the link below to remind you how to measure in centimetres. (Remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube).

Can you measure the height of your teddy to the nearest centimetre? Did you estimate this correctly? Now can you measure how long its arms and legs are? Which other parts of your teddy could you measure? Measure and write down to the nearest centimetre the length of as many different parts of your teddy as you can! Round up or down to the nearest centimetre if the length is in between.


Your spellings are dated 12.06.20 on the website- they are all homophones- two words which sound the same but are spelt differently and mean different things.


Your phonics split digraph this week is i-e. Can you identify which i-e words are shown in each of the pictures below? Now write some sentences using these words if you can.



Can you find out about the history of teddy bears? When was the first teddy bear made? Where was this? Why are they called ‘teddy’ bears? Why are some teddy bears more valuable than others? Can you find out any more interesting facts about the history of teddy bears? How could you present these facts? Be as creative as you like! Here are some links to an animation and some facts about the history of teddy bears. (Remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube).




Do you know the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen? It’s a great story to act out. Here is a Cosmic Kids Yoga activity based on this story. (Remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube).

Have fun and I will be back on Wednesday with some more activities!

Mrs Burton
