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Year 1

Week 7

1JR had great fun making pancakes and writing instructions this week.

1MS loved making pancakes with help from Nana Thompson today!

Week 6

Year 1 and 2 Book Club enjoyed creating our own Rainbow Fish

Week 5

This week Jenny Eldred came into school to show us some toys from her childhood. She also made a timeline of the toys she used to play with.

Week 4
This week 1JR have been very busy comparing old and new toys, playing Phonics games in the hall and using the tens frames to help us solve tricky Maths challenges.

Week 3

1MS made wooden bird feeders with Mr Swinden - he taught them how to use the tools safely. Mrs Swinden and the children made the bird food to hang on the hooks. They made 2 different types for the birds; 1. using lard, seeds, fruit and breadcrumbs and 2. using apples and seeds. 
1JR designed and made wooden bird feeders... with a little help from Mr Perrin and Skye's dad! We used tools safely to join the pieces of wood together.

Week 2

1JR had races with the vehicles to learn about positions in a queue
1MS loved 'The Snowman's Coat' science experiment.

Week 1 

1JR have enjoyed the first session with the gymnastics coaches 
1MS have been looking at positions in a queue. 

Book club loved the Mr Men and Little Miss books and designing our own characters!
