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1st June 2020

Good morning Year 3 -we all hope that you had a sunshine filled half-term and are raring to go!  Just to say whilst the documents will be pasted at the bottom there is no need always to print- open,read and then just copy down what you need.

Alongside the Facebook challenges there are a couple of art tasks do this week:-

1. RE - Mrs Billam has given us the details about an art competition .  I have put all the details in the document below. Even if you don't send your entry off I am sure Mrs Billam and your class teacher would like to see your finished work.

2. Art-Again the document is below but please do check with an adult before using a sock! Curious well take a look at the task with a short Youtube clip and all will be revealed.



Monday 29th June 2020

Podcast History -find the task below with a Powerpoint to help you with the  idea of History sources.

Week Commencing 18.05.20


 I want you to dust of your binoculars, your compass and map. This week you’re looking at Explorers. Those intrepid people who always asked the question: What is over that hill? What if we just went there to have a look? 


Activity 1 – History of Flight

a. – what vehicles do we have now? What vehicles did we have 100 years ago?

Get your child to make a list of as many as they can. They can be as odd or as out there as you like (Mr Patterson’s favourite would be a Penny Farthing).

b. – Discuss in greater detail planes and how they are different between now and then. Watch video and discuss how planes have changed throughout history

c. – Chn then need to sort out the different methods of flight and organise them onto a timeline that they have made.

d. - Can they add dates and a fact under each of the flying machines?

e. – Watch this video of the Wright Brothers and their aircraft

– The video says it is from 1903 but actually it is 1908/9. This flight lasts for a long time. Can the children find out about the first time that the Wright Brothers flew?

Activity 2 – Amy Johnson

a. – Show chn the plane ‘Gypsy Moth’ – Ask them who they think flew this plane. Where did it fly to? Then get them to place it onto their timeline of planes that they have already made. Tell them once they have had a go that it is from 1930. I want them to draw what they think the pilot looked like.

Did they draw a man?

Do the children know who Amy Johnson is? The first British female pilot and more importantly from Hull. this video explains all about her and her amazing journey.

b. – Read her timeline together – Discuss anything that the children find interesting and talk about what an amazing life she led. Now the children are going to create their own timeline. First get them to think about their own lives up until now. What has happened to them? What are the important milestones they may have? This could be a nice project to do together and show them pictures of them growing up.

c. – once they have created their timeline up until now ask them to think about the future. What do they want to do with their lives? At the end of their timeline write or draw what they would like to be. Tell them to think big like Amy. Add milestones that they would need to achieve in order to reach their end goal e.g. if they want to be a doctor then they have to go university.

Send your teachers your fact files as we would love to learn all about your futures!


Activity 3

a. – A moth for Amy –

You may have walked around the moth trail for Amy that was a part of the Hull City of Culture. If you did what can you remember. If you didn’t and even if you want a refresher look at Look at all the fabulous moth designs.

b. – firstly, why moths? Can you find out why moths were chosen to honour Amy and her amazing life?

c. – Create your own moth. You can use the template and then just draw/paint it. Or try to make it out of things you have around your house.

Send us pictures of your moth designs.


Activity 4 -  

Finally choose one more explorer from the list below:

Ernest Shackleton

Amelia Earhart

Sir Francis Drake

Neil Armstrong

Find out one of them did! Where did they explore or find out? Can you create a fact file/power point/ news report/ video report all about them and their lives.


As always please show us any of the work that you do at home as we really do love to see it.

Stay safe.

Week Commencing 11.05.20 - Ey 'up me little duckies. This week you are looking at some Geography focusing on different parts of our own country and mountains. 

Activity 1

a. – Firstly, ask the children what country do we live in? What other countries make up the UK? Can they name them all? To show off can they name the capital city for each country?

b. – There is a picture of the UK that has been made into a jigsaw. Can you complete and put it together? Feel free to make the ‘pieces’ bigger.

c. - Can they see where Hornsea would be? Can they see where Yorkshire would be and what the 4 parts are called? Look at some of the different parts of Yorkshire/country. Where have you been? Please tell us. Maybe you have a picture from that trip that you could share?

Activity 2

a. – What do you and the children think of when you say the work Yorkshire? (Yorkshire pudding, fish and chips, the amazing accent) it can be anything that makes you think of the best county. Create a mind map of the answers that you get.

b. - Lets see if some of your answers match with these people -  watch video here and discuss the fact that there is a Yorkshire day on 1st August.


c. – follow the ppt in the resources and then do some research using the questions on there as jumping off points. Can you tell me the information you have found out. You could write a fact file, create a new mind map showing the facts you’ve learnt, make a poem about Yorkshire, do a news report. It is up to you! 


Activity 3

a. - There are so many things to be proud of about Yorkshire and Yorkshire Day (which is on August 1st)  is a long way away but to help you have an early celebration I want you to create your own Yorkshire Rose.

I have given you a template to help you. Be as creative as you want. I want you to make your own Rose. You could draw it and colour it in, draw it and use scrunched up paper to fill in the colours, you could paint, mould, sculpt or even make it out of things you find around your house/garden. It can be as big as you want! Show off your creative skills.






Activity 4

a. - You are going to do some research about Mountains. Firstly, look at the information available from Bitesize available here: there is a short video to watch and some information to read. Followed by a quiz. Don’t forget to let me know how you get on with the quiz. I got 5/5!

b. – watch the video and find out about how the tectonic plates move around and created mountains. You can stop the video at        1 minute 55 seconds

b. – Google mountains and look at the images that you get. Discuss the questions – What is the weather like? What would it feel like to be stood on top of the mountain? Have you visited any mountains or hills? Can they remember?

c. – Finally complete the sorting activity to find out what people in the UK on the sides of mountains. (Surprisingly everything apart from growing crops). Is there anything surprising that the children have learnt about mountains?


As always please show us any of the work that you do at home as we really do love to see it.

Stay safe.



Week Commencing 04.05.20 Here is a 'skeletonne' of work! 


So last week we looked at what goes inside the body to make it work (food) this week we are going to look at what is already inside the body! If you can finish this sentence you may have an idea…


‘In the dark dark street there was a dark dark house,

and in the dark dark house there were some dark dark stairs,

at the bottom of the dark dark stairs there was a dark dark cellar,

and in the dark dark cellar there lived some….


That’s right we are looking at skeletons and how our bodies work this week!

Activity 1

a. - What is a bone? What is a skeleton? – Discuss with children and you will need a sock to demonstrate the glove puppet part. It doesn’t need to be a puppet

What are bones like?  They are strong, light and rigid (they don’t bend). Your skeleton is the rigid frame inside that holds your body up. If you didn’t have a skeleton, you would be like this glove puppet – just a soft heap on the floor. But with something rigid inside (your hand) it can hold itself up (demonstrate).

b. - Next ask children to name as many animals as they can in a minute. Write them down and see how many they can get. Next using their animals can they work out if all animals have a backbone. (You may want to prompt them with animals like worms, jelly fish)

So the answer is No. Many animals do not, like worms, jellyfish and flies.  All animals can be divided into 2 groups: Vertebrates – animals with a backbone and Invertebrates – animals without a backbone

c. - Now give them another minute and see if they can sort their animals into either vertebrate or invertebrate. Can they add any animals?


Activity 2

a. - Time to show off what your skeleton can do! DANCE! Go to and take part in the vertebrate dance.

b. - Can you now do the quiz? Vertebrates or Invertebrates?


Activity 3

a. - Watch the clip and watch some skeletons moving around. Now you get to show off your creative side again!

b. - There are instructions how to create a dancing skeleton.

You will need: Paper or Card, crayons, split pins, thread, and a straw or garden stick. If you do not have split pins you can just glue your skeleton together at the joints and still make them dance by waving them.

Follow the template to help you draw your skeleton or draw your own free hand.

c. - Use this as some backing music and send us videos of your skeletons dancing!


Activity 4

a. – Time to show off all that you’ve learnt about skeletons by completing my quiz. Don’t worry I have not been too mean so you should use the information sheet provided.

If you want to make it harder then you could ask children to do their own research without the information first then give that to them.


Activity 5

a. – Finally, I want you to have a think about what helps us to move around. We know now that Skeletons help us to stay upright and protect our different important organs. So what helps us to move?  Watch this video to find out.

b. – Now I want you to move around your house and start to think about which muscles are helping you to move. Copy the video and move your arm. Can you feel the muscles contracting (getting shorter) and longer?


Choose some basic movements like running, jogging, reading a book, smiling, dancing and predict which muscles you will use to do these different movements. Tell or point to which muscles you think you are going to use. Then do the action and see if your prediction was correct.

Were you surprised by it?


Don’t forget to send us pictures, videos of you completing your work we love seeing it!
Stay safe.






Week Commencing 27.04.20 Topic work Animals including Humans

Another Science Topic this week! This week you are looking at nutrition and staying healthy. Very important I am sure you will agree.

Activity 1

a. – You need to become a food expert! That doesn’t mean eating lots but learning lots!

Why do people/animals eat food? Think of as many different reasons why as you can. Secondly, look at the powerpoint presentation and see if you’ve got the correct answers.

b. Did you know that food is split into different groups? What are they talk about it and see if you can work out any food that may be linked together.

c. Discuss the importance of having a varied and balanced diet so in order to be healthy and look at the rest of the presentation to see what each of the food groups does for you.

Activity 2

a. Quiz time can you complete by cutting and sticking/drawing or writing out yourself what each of the food groups are and what they do for you?

b. I want to know what your favourite meals are. They must be balanced, healthy and delicious. Remember everything in moderation. So draw yourself a plate on some paper and then fill it with your favourite every meal. Post it on Facebook so that we can see how healthy you all are.

There is an example that Luna drew so you have some inspiration.



Activity 3

a. Now I want you to get even more creative! Can you help your grown-ups in the kitchen so that you can help make a lovely balanced meal? It could be any meal of the day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, elevenses or even afternoon tea. Take pictures of your plate and show us all your amazing cookery skills!

Activity 4

a. Time for a challenge. You have until 3.00pm on Friday 1st May to complete this quiz! I apologise in advance for the opening video if it gets stuck in your head.

Don’t forget to send any work to us at school or post it on Facebook so we can see all the amazing things you are doing!

For Art this week I would like you to have a go at any of these:

1. Collect  a rock if you go onto the beach and decorate it adding one positive word on the bottom for you to give to  somebody in your house to make them smile ( happy, beautiful, helpful etc)

2. Design a birthday cake for the Queen (template on topic section year 3 20.04.2o)

3.Draw/paint/collage any signs of the seasons that you see on your daily walk or from your window. (These could be trees in blossom,birds nesting ,flowers  etc)

Please post these onto our Facebook page especially the Queens cake yummy!!!


Science from Home


The documents below provides a number of opportunities for exploring the world through science, which we encourage you to have a go at whilst learning at home. 


Please keep in mind the current government recommendations when looking at any suggestions and the links. This resource comes with the strong caveat not to go for a walk, to stay home and stay safe, to regard health and safety and supervise the children during any science activity.
