Science at HCPS is led by Mrs H. England and Mrs E. Wilkes
Vision and Principles Statement
Our Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for Science
Science teaching at Hornsea Community Primary School aims to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and also an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.
We recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life and therefore we give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires. Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic that the children study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout the years. This model allows essential development on the children’s prior knowledge, understanding and vocabulary. Specific vocabulary for each topic is taught and built up, and effective questioning to communicate ideas is encouraged. Throughout Science all children are challenged to develop and use a range of skills including questioning, observing, planning and recording, as well as being encouraged to become independent thinkers and learners. At Hornsea Community Primary School, we strive to provide all children with an inclusive, high quality broad and balanced Science curriculum.
The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Linked knowledge organisers enable children to learn and retain the important, useful and powerful vocabulary and knowledge contained within each unit.
The progression of skills for working scientifically are developed through the year groups and scientific enquiry skills are of key importance within lessons.
Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of science involves the following:
The successful approach to the teaching of science at Hornsea Community Primary School results in a fun, engaging, high-quality science education. It provides the children with the foundations for understanding the world that they can take with them once they complete their primary education.
Assessment at Hornsea Community Primary School is teacher based and formed using formal strategies (e.g. assessment tasks, quizzes) and informal strategies (verbal/written outcomes, reflection tasks, presentations).
Formative assessment is used as the main tool for assessing the impact of Science as it allows for misconceptions and gaps to be addressed more immediately rather than building on insecure scientific foundations.
Pupil voice is used to further develop the Science curriculum, through the questioning of pupils’ views and attitudes towards Science, to assess the children’s enjoyment of science, and to motivate learners.
At Hornsea Community Primary School, most children will be able to: