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Pupil Dashboard - Online Big Maths Tests

Pupil Dashboard - Online Big Maths Tests

Now children are back at school they should not complete their Big Math tests online each week as this will be done in the class.

Should children be off ill however, they will be directed to complete these tests online (please note they will only be allowed to complete tests weekly – it does not appear to matter which day they do this). 

I would strongly urge that you practise the skills needed before they complete the tests each week as these should be completed independently by the children.


For parents who do not yet have the:

  • school code; 
  • username; and
  • password


for your child(ren), and in order to keep their information private, we would ask that you either inbox Natalie Russell via Facebook or send your email address to  You could also get this information from your class teacher during contact you may have with them (emails/phone calls). 
