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Year 4

Science - Sound. In 4LM we loved investigating sound and how vibrations cause sounds to be heard. We investigated how well sound travelled through string, using plastic cups. We also discovered how easily sound travelled through solid surfaces by knocking on a table (we didn't fall asleep in lesson!)

DT - 4LM loved designing, making and evaluating some savoury scones. It was a team effort to measure out the ingredients, stir the mixture, and roll out the scones. We had a great time - especially when we got to eat them!

In Year 4 we had so much fun making our own butter. The children investigated how they could change double cream to butter, using only a jar. I took us quite a while, but we had lots of success!

Science - States of Matter. The children went outdoors to act out how particles are positioned in solids, liquids and gases.

Year 4 have had a brilliant start to the new school year! They have focussed on returning to school and their mental health through our nurture topic, "Incredible You," made butter and meringues in our Changing Materials Science topic, "Bake Me a Story" and they are now completing the Geography topic "Amazing America!" The children have also been taking part in weekly swimming lessons at the Hornsea Hub Leisure Centre. 

Pedestrian Training and Assembly Y4

We enjoyed our swimming lessons in Y4

Year 4 enjoyed their assembly with Rev. Tina about belonging

Year 4 Harvest Assembly

Year 4 enjoyed making cheese scones as part of our Design Technology project

Year 4 learnt about particles within a solid, liquid and gas through acting!

Year 4 Learning out times tables outdoors

Writing Roman numerals challenge Year 4

Wearing Yellow for World Mental Health Day 2021

Thinking about Black History in Year 4 'Windrush'
