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Week beginning 22/06/20


Friday 26th June

Happy Fun Friday Fantastic Year 5!
What a beautiful week we have had with the amazing weather. I can not believe how quickly the week has passed. I have loved seeing all of your amazing work. You are working so hard and making your teachers so proud Hornsea Worsley Hornsea Joy and Hornsea Patterson.
Here are your last challenges for this week Have fun!
  1. Here is your weekly spelling test quiz have  ago and good luck!

! Game pin 04121339.

  1. We have had an amazing week of beautiful sunshine, but the forecast says that the UK will see some thunderstorms. Can you research the different types of lightning and make a fact file or poster. You can watch a spectacular lightening show by following the link below.

  1. Well today has got to be one of my favourite National celebration days-National Chocolate Pudding Day Hooray!!!!! Why don’t you check out the ones below ?
  2. Chocolate pudding Remember adults you will need to help with the hot pans!

Chocolate brownies

  1. Friday riddle fun –I will share the answers on Monday.

What can jump higher than a building?

Which music do rabbits listen to at their party?

What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Can you write your own riddle to challenge your teachers?

  1. I have loved seeing the sunflowers that some of you have been growing but don’t worry if you haven’t you can make your own!


Year 5
Wonderful Wednesday to the awesome Year 5!
It looks like we have the amazing weather back!
I hope that you are managing to get outside and exercise but make sure you keep sun safe.
Here are your mid-week challenges with Hornsea Worsley Hornsea Joy and Hornsea Patterson
1. Radio 2 have ran a competition called 500 words where children have been involved in creative writing adding their own short stories Why don’t you follow the link and listen to some of the amazing stories that were produced and then have ago at writing your own ready for their next competition.
2. As the weather is so beautiful can you make a fairy house to place into your garden or onto your window get creative if you don’t have a plant pot use an old container or check out the cool 3D sailboat craft idea
3. Let’s Kahootit! complete the quiz about living things and their habitats or add game pin 02433460
4. You might have wondered why the Earth has so many different habitats. The answer actually lies in the Earth itself: the ocean and land can tell us a lot about what affects the weather and climate in different regions. They can even tell us why different species live in certain locations. But how can we tell? Legendary naturalist Sir David Attenborough takes us on a virtual trip across the world, and shows us how to use the Earth to understand the sky.[Discovery_Cards]-[Multi_Site]-[SL08]-[PS_BITESIZE~N~~A_TravelTheWorldWithDavidAttenborough]
Check out ocean weather patterns and climates. Then check out the games on NASA climate kids
5. I have been lucky enough to gain funding from yor4good to regenerate the area at the side of The Orchard Can you design a garden space that means we will be able to grow our own fruit and vegetables. I would love to use your designs in creating this area so please share! I even made it onto the front page of the Hornsea Gazette so keep a look out!


Monday 22nd June

Happy Monday to the fabulous Year 5!

This weekend it was the summer solstice which is often referred to as the longest day of the year. On this day, the number of hours of daylight is at their maximum, while the number of hours of night is at their minimum. However, while most people consider the summer solstice to be a day, it is in reality an exact moment in time that falls upon that day.

The summer solstice occurs in June in the Northern Hemisphere and marks midsummer: the longest day and shortest night. So I hope that you enjoyed the extra daylight.

  1. Some people visit a place called Stonehenge when it is the Summer Solstice. Found on England’s Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, Stonehenge is a huge man-made circle of standing stones. Built by our ancestors over many hundreds of years, it’s one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments … And one of its biggest mysteries, too! Can you recreate this monument and then write a story or comic strip about why you and how you think the stones were placed there?
  2. Can you research and create a diagram showing the different phases of the moon?
  3. I feel that you have been working really hard to produce some amazing baking. Today’s recipe is to make a funny face pizza making the base. (Although if you wanted to you could use a pitta bread). Have fun and put a smile onto your face!
  4. Obstacle Course/Circuit training set up an obstacle course in your home or garden. Inside-Use furniture, cushions, and pillows and mark out stations, or create ladders with masking tape! In the garden- Use chalk to mark out stations. Your kids could even use their art skills to help to create station cards with specific exercises drawn on such jumping jacks, skipping and press ups. Then you could challenge an adult!
  5. Britain has around 200 species of solitary bees; these differ from bumblebees in that they build single nest cells for their larvae. Some species nest in tunnels in sandy banks or old bricks; others use hollow stems of dead plants or old wood to create their nests

Can you make a bee or a bug hotel? See instructions provided

Don’t forget to check out the work that I place under each subject every week and then let me and your teachers know how you are getting on!
