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Year 3

Savage Stone Age


Well we have had such a busy half term. But I promise the children (and staff) have had a great time. We have learnt so much. We started by reading our first book 'The Ice Monster' By David Walliams. We laughed, we cried and were very shocked by some of the rude bits! We also read Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura where we learnt all sorts of things about day to day life in the Stone Age.

Did you know:

- stone age people were nomadic and would move around depending on where the food was

- were excellent hunters 

-had an interesting method for curing headaches (trust me you do not want to know). 


We also made some Stone Age necklaces out of salt dough and they looked amazing. 


After this great start to the Year we looked at Rocks and Fossils. They rock... Sorry! 

We learnt all about Mary Anning, who was a famous fossil hunter, she lived over a 150 years ago and was very cool. 



This prompted lots of children to bring in fossils they had found so we are very sorry if you had to spend a lot of time fossil hunting! 


Before Christmas we learnt all about Diwali - the festival of lights. We looked at the story of Rama and Sita and how Hindus celebrate one of their festivals. It was really interesting and we even got to make our very own Diwa lamps out of clay. They were very bright and colourful. 


We had a really good half term and the children learnt lots. It was a big change going from lockdown into school with all the new rules we had to follow. But the children dealth with it incredibly well. You should all be incredibly proud of what they achieved. 


We hope you have a great Christmas and we will see you all in January.


Merry Christmas
