Week beginning 13.07.20
Memories and Moving On
All of this week's suggested tasks to mark your child's first year in School and their thoughts and feelings about entering Year One, are in this folder.
Please feel free to complete any or all of the tasks included.
Memories ...
Create an alphabet frieze of learning, friends and feelings for your first year in School.
Now and Then ... create a timeline of photographs of your first year in School, with the Months and Years underneath.
Montage of Memories Using the Piccolage Photograph App,(free to download), create a Montage of Memories from September 2019 to July 2020, of special memories, both in and out of school.
Make a Reading Den for your favourite toys and read your favourite story to them. Please record and post, this special achievement.
Can you make a starting School Video, that we can use, to help the new children to settle in? You may want to tell them which toys are fun to play with, why we always walk in school, listen carefully and put our hands up; why we need to give everything a try and how important it is not to give up! and all the other things that you have learned that will help them to feel safe and settle in.
Make a Time Capsule of items from this School Year; remember we are living through historic times and your Home Learning experience is unprecedented! You may want to include a "Jar of Dreams", your hopes and aspirations for the future; and a letter from your grownups.
Bury in the garden and leave until your are leaving HCPS at the end of Year 6.
Moving On ...
Make a set of feelings masks, link at the bottom of the page. When talking to your grown up about moving into Year One, choose the mask or masks, that say how you are feeling about this special time.
Draw yourself on a piece of paper in your favourite clothes. On the other side write a fact page all about yourself and your likes and dislikes. Please post the picture and record yourself reading the fact page that you have written. Don't forget to bring it into school when you meet your new teacher
Take an empty jar. This is going to become your Jar of Dreams. Fill the jar with the things you would like to get better at in Year 1, what you would like to be when you grow up and the sort of person you would like to become. Tie a ribbon around the top with your full name in your handwriting on a label. Take it with you when you meet your new teacher.