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Year 3/4 Spring Term


In 3MS we have been learning about The Ancient Egyptians. As part of our Science topic we have been mummifying tomatoes. The pupils were really surprised at how they have changed over 5 weeks. They started off by removing all of the insides sounds quite’ yucky!’ We discovered that just like the Egyptian bodies that were found in the tombs the tomatoes became preserved. The children have really enjoyed this topic. 



Year 3 

Pupils in 3MS have been completing a lot of homework around our topic and bringing in precious artefacts and books from Hornsea library.

4LJ - Spring Term

Year Three - Maths

Year Three CPR Training

Year Three Science - Separating Materials

More Science: Could you pick an ice cube up with a matchstick?

Year Three Egyptian Mummification 😳

4CW - Gymnastics and P.E

4CW Science

4CW History Workshop

4CW Nativity

4CW Art

4CW Fractions / Maths
