Our children are highly motivated and engaged in Maths lessons and enjoy regular challenges. As a result they enjoy experiencing regular success and love celebrating their progress.
As a school, we follow the White Rose Maths Mastery scheme and use Big Maths to ensure our children have the needed Core Numeracy skills to be confident with number.
Daily sessions of Big Maths ensure that children are taught in small steps so that they become secure in ‘the basics’ from an early age. Big Maths tests take place ‘Learn Its’ tests take place every Friday mornings.
During all Maths lessons, children are encouraged to become ‘independent learners’ and to take an active interest in their studies and in their progress. Mathematics lessons follow a flexible, mastery scheme provided through the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme. The scheme is used to build a new culture within school of deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths, where children can show real progress through strong and secure learning. To achieve this, children:
Children are regularly asked to explain their reasoning and justify their opinions with challenges such as "Prove it!" "Explain how you know!" and "Is there a better way of doing that?"