Hello Year 2!
This week has flown by! Where has the sunshine gone? I hope you have managed to keep busy with all this rain. I have really enjoyed seeing all your fantastic work!
Here is your final set of challenges for the week.
Now, everyone knows that Paddington’s favourite food is marmalade sandwiches. Have you ever had a marmalade sandwich? Perhaps you like jam sandwiches? We all have our favourite sandwiches. My favourite sandwich is definitely a cheese sandwich.
I wonder if you can write a set of instructions (or a recipe) for how to make your favourite sandwich. It can be a marmalade sandwich if you wish! Can you write a numbered set of instructions using imperative, or ‘bossy’, verbs? These are just verbs that tell you what to do. The imperative verbs in the recipe at the bottom are ‘spread’, ‘add’, ‘place’ and ‘serve’.
Challenge: Could you add some time connectives like ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’ and ‘finally’, if you can?
Remember to start with your list of ingredients at the top, followed by the method. Include details such as what sort of bread you like, if you have butter, how you like your sandwich filling preparing, such as ‘slice’, ‘spread’, ‘grate’ etc., so that anyone following the instructions will know exactly what to do!
There is an example of a recipe for Paddington’s marmalade sandwiches at the bottom. Will you use your ‘paw’ (hand!) or a knife?! I will look forward to seeing your instructions for your favourite sandwiches and might have a go at making them myself!
Marmalade sandwich problem solving!
When you are following a recipe, you often need to work out how to change your ingredients to make it for different numbers of people. Have a go at solving these problems involving marmalade sandwiches...
1. Paddington needs 1 pot of marmalade to make 10 sandwiches. How many pots does he need to make 20 sandwiches?
2. How many pots of marmalade does Paddington need to make 50 sandwiches?
3. Paddington needs 100 oranges to make one pot of marmalade. He only has 70 oranges. How many more oranges does he need to make his pot of marmalade?
4. Paddington needs to make 10 marmalade sandwiches. Each sandwich needs 2 slices of bread. How many slices of bread does he need?
5. Paddington is making marmalade for 5 people. Each person wants 5 pots of marmalade each. How many pots does he need to make?
6. If Paddington needs 100 oranges to make one pot of marmalade, how many oranges does he need to make 5 pots of marmalade?
7. When Paddington was making marmalade with 100 oranges, 40 of his oranges rolled off the table. How many oranges did he have left?
8. Paddington is having a picnic. He has 5 guests coming. Each guest is having 3 marmalade sandwiches each. How many marmalade sandwiches does Paddington need to make for his guests? How many does he need to make altogether if he has 3 sandwiches too?
Challenge: Can you write your own marmalade sandwich problem?
Please practise your spellings dated 05.06.20 on the website- they are all contractions- two words joined with an apostrophe. Try to join your handwriting- but not around the apostrophe!
Then complete your spelling test from the website or the link below.
Can you follow your own instructions to make your favourite sandwich for lunch? If you don’t have the ingredients for your favourite sandwich, you could make a different sandwich. You could even make a marmalade sandwich! Make sure you ask an adult for help. Then, have a picnic with your teddies. This might have to be an indoor picnic, looking at the weather forecast! I would love to see any pictures of your sandwiches and your picnic!
When you have had your picnic, here is a game for you and a family member, or one of your teddies... Can you travel across a room or around your house using two sheets of paper? Only the paper is allowed to touch the floor or any objects you travel over- you must stay on the paper. Be careful and make sure you tell an adult what you are doing! See how far you can get and how far your family member or teddy can get without touching the floor. Good luck!
Have a fun Friday and I look forward to seeing what you do!
Mrs Burton (Music)
Hello Year 2!
I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine over the last couple of days! I have an extra task for you over the next two weeks...
In a couple of week’s time, I will be setting you a challenge of making a musical instrument which Peru is famous for- the pan pipes. For this, please could you to collect some empty plastic bottles or used plastic straws from your house if you can? At least 3 bottles or 2 straws will be fine. Any size bottle will do, so please collect these after you use them, making sure you ask an adult first and that they are safe to use. It has been World Oceans Day this week and we want to make sure that we are not creating more plastic waste, especially as Hornsea is a Plastic Free Town, so please only collect bottles and straws that you have used and do not buy any especially for this! If you do not have these in your house, you could use paper straws, cardboard tubes or rolled up paper. Thank you.
Here are your challenges for today...
If you have read the story of Paddington, and watched the films, you will know that he has lots of adventures and gets himself into all sorts of scrapes! But at the heart of it, he always has good intentions. Can you think of another adventure that Paddington could have and write a diary about a day in his life? It could involve the Brown family, Mr Curry or you could introduce your own characters. Think about what time of the day things happened and write it in chronological (time) order. Can you use time connectives such as ‘first of all’, ‘in the morning’, ‘after lunch’ etc.? Paddington's days always include something funny and are never boring so, whatever you think of, even if he is just at home, see if you can include some funny antics in his adventure! There are some frames at the bottom to help you to plan your ideas.
When you are writing a diary, you may need to think about what time things happened. Have a look at clocks in your house then have a go at making your own clock and telling the time. You can be as creative as you like! You could use paper/card or a paper plate for the clock face; and lolly sticks, sticks from outside or even vegetable sticks for the hands! Can you divide the clock face into 12 equal sections by folding or using a ruler to divide it? Can you write the numbers 1 to 12 in the right places? Can you make 2 hands- remember the minute hand is longer than the hour hand- and move them to make different times? Remember that the hour hand moves halfway between the numbers when the time is half past. We are just looking at analogue clocks today, not digital.
Here is a song to remind you how the clock works. (Remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube)
Here are some BBC Bitesize links to KS1 and KS2 videos about telling the time.
The first link shows the times o’ clock and half past.
The second link has The Chuckle Brothers telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes!
Have a go at making your clock show these times:
Challenge (if you can!):
Please practise your spellings dated 05.06.20 on the website- they are all contractions- two words joined with an apostrophe.
Now that you have practised telling the time, choose four times in the day, write them down in chronological order and draw what you would normally do at those times. You could divide a piece of paper into four to do this or you could set it out like a diary entry and write a sentence and a time connective for each activity.
Here is another song to get you active while learning about the time- Hip Hop Around the Clock! (Remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube)
Enjoy and I look forward to seeing some more great work!
Mrs Burton (Music)
Hello Year 2!
I hope you have had a lovely weekend, despite all the rain! Let’s hope the sun comes back out this week! Just to be clear it is ‘Music’ Mrs Burton writing your challenges now, not Year 2 Mrs Burton, so please tag Hornsea BurtonMusic in any posts you would like me to see. Thank you!
Here is your first set of activities for the week and I look forward to seeing what you do.
In our house, while we have been at home, we have been keeping in touch with people we can’t see by writing cards and letters. When Paddington moved to London, he wrote postcards to Aunt Lucy telling her all about England. Aunt Lucy lives in Lima, the capital of Peru, in the ‘home for retired bears’ and she has never been to England. Can you write a postcard from Paddington to Aunt Lucy telling her about England? Imagine you are Paddington- you could tell Aunt Lucy if you are having a good time, tell her all about the Brown family and what it is like in London, as well as any funny things you have been up to! There is a simple example and a postcard frame at the bottom for you to look at.
Please also remember the link to the ‘Paddington’s Postcards’ Unicef fundraiser which Mrs Beaumont posted, if you are interested in doing this.
Have a go at this game on a mobile phone- ‘Mostly Postie’. It asks you to drag the parcels onto the scales then read the scales to see how much the parcels weigh.
If you cannot access this game, I have a challenging postal Maths problem of my own...
I need to post a birthday card with a small present inside. The size and weight of this card means that it will cost £1.15 to send my card. I need a first class large letter stamp which costs £1.15, but I do not have one and I can't get to the post office! Instead I have 2 regular first class stamps which cost 76p each.
How much do my 2 first class stamps cost altogether? Can you use partitioning or column addition to work this out?
Will the cost of my 2 first class stamps altogether be enough for me to send my card? Can you work out the difference in cost as an extra challenge?!
Thank you for your help!
Your spellings are dated 05.06.20 on the website- they are all contractions- two words joined with an apostrophe.
Your phonics split digraph this week is e-e. Can you read the real and nonsense words containing the split digraph e-e in the picture? Can you identify which words are names? How do you know that they are names? Do you know anyone with those names? See if you can write any of the words in a silly sentence.
Use this Royal Mail website to find out what happens to a letter when you post it...
There are also links on this website to more information and videos about the history of the Royal Mail, the people who deliver our mail and special stamps, such as Beatrix Potter, Mr Men and Star Wars stamps!
You could also look at the Post Office website below to find out the cost of sending a letter or parcel in the UK. It shows you the sizes of letters and parcels and you can select the weight. I needed to do this for my birthday card! Do you think there is anything you can’t send in the post? Can you find this out?
I would love to see any information you can find out about the Royal Mail and our postal service!
We like Minecraft in our house, do you? Have a go at this Minecraft Cosmic Kids Yoga activity! (Remember to watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on YouTube)
Mrs Burton