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Monday 13th July 2020

There is no further Maths No Problem work allocated for this week so I will pop some resources below for you to use if you wish.  There is no need to print off as the majority of the activities answers can be written in Home Learning books.  Sorry if you cannot print out the dot to dots, for example, but thought I would put something up  for you to work with.  Don't forget there are Maths sections in the Home Learning Folder. 

Work Linked to Maths No Problem Workbook Summer 2

Key Maths Skills for Y3


These are some key parts of the Y3 Maths curriculum


  • Multiplication and Division facts for the 3x table, 4x table and 8 x table.


Play matching games with calculations and the answers, throw a dice and times it by a number, find interactive games online, make up a song to remember a particular times table or make up a game.


  • Addition of two three digit numbers including carrying tens.


  • Subtraction of two three digit numbers including where a ten has to be ‘borrowed’.


  • Tell the time to the nearest minute including am and pm.
  • Use money in addition and subtraction calculations and finding change.

Kahoot quizzes


Children need to click the links below to play the quizzes. It is ok to use your real name so that your teacher can see your score. (Only the Year 3 teachers will have access to this information). 


Time quiz  - pin number 0316347


Times tables - pin number 0917003


Year 3 Money - pin number  0692867

