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KS1 Easter Assembly Feedback

The children from Year 1 and 2 performed a variety of songs and poems for parents and carers at their Easter Celebration Assembly. In addition they recited Easter facts and told some Easter jokes. The assemblies were very well attended and 92 families filled in feedback "speech bubbles" to show their appreciation. Here are a few we thought we would share...

"A lovely assembly. So nice to have songs and poems to tell what Easter is really all about."

"Fantastic singing! Loved the split performance! Great clear reading voices. Well done to all involved."

"Great performance! I even learned new facts and traditions. Thankyou."

"A wonderful reminder of the Christian ethic. Superb performance by children and staff. Definitely All Things Bright and Beautiful."

"This Year 2 performance has been a lovely Easter treat! Beautiful singing and fantastic poems, jokes and facts. Well done children and staff. Superstars!"

"Amazing as always! So much work and effort goes into it and we really appreciate it."

"Proud moment! Well done!"

"Excellent performance. Completely charmed."

"Excellent! Lovely to hear the Christian message told at Easter. Christ is risen! Halleluia!"



