Mrs Keenan
Mrs Keenan is the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at H.C.P.S. She is responsible for children with Education, Health & Care plans, children placed at SEN Support and liaising with external agencies.
Mrs Jennings
Mrs Jennings is Enhanced Resource Provision Leader at H.C.P.S. She is responsible for SEND provision at The Orchard and links to the mainstream school. Mrs Jennings also teaches at The Orchard.
Mrs Semper
Mrs Semper is the Pastoral Manager at H.C.P.S. She is responsible for the social, emotional and behavioural well-being of all children in the school. She is also responsible for safeguarding, looked after children, external agencies and pastoral support.
The following Governors also have a responsibility for SEND at HCPS.
Mr S. Eldred