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Mad About Minibeasts (04.05.20 - 15.05.20)

  1. Make a bug hotel
  2. Make a mini beast non-fiction book with a contents page, a page on different types of bugs, each with a heading, some explanation sentences and labelled diagrams (Joseph is currently making one on trains and we're doing a page each day)
  3. Mini beast poetry - extra challenge to make it rhyme!
  4. Make your own mini beast word search
  5. Design your own bug - draw/make it and decide what features it should have e.g. number of legs, wings, pattern
  6. Sing some mini beast songs and teach actions to family (Incy wincy, there was once a lady who swallowed a fly etc)
  7. Book hunt - how many books at home can you find with a mini beast/bug in?
  8. Write a story about a bug with a super power