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Before & After School Club

Rise & Shine Breakfast Club and Stay & Play After School Club

From September 2024, all bookings for the Breakfast and After School Clubs will be moving over to Arbor.  You will be able to register for the clubs and make bookings via your Arbor app.  If you have not yet logged into Arbor, please contact the school office.


You will need to have funds available in your Arbor account before bookings can be made.  On Arbor, please go to your Accounts and ‘Top Up’ your Wraparound care account.


To make bookings on the Arbor app,  please go to Activities/Clubs then scroll down to 24/25 clubs available. Click on the Breakfast or After School Club as required.  On the next page you will see a green ‘Register’ button, this is where you can book your sessions.


In order to pay for the Breakfast or After School Club through childcare vouchers or Tax Free Childcare, you will still need funds in your wraparound care account first before you can book sessions. Please email confirmation of your proof of payment from your childcare provider to Hornsea Primary School.  The office staff will then add the funds to your account.  


If you should have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office via email or phone 01964 532382.


smiley "I like playing with the toys!" 


smiley"I like building things with the Lego!" 


indecision"I like drawing funny pictures with H." 


indecision "I really like the toast, when I get to school in the morning"


indecision"I like playing with my friends"


indecision"The play kitchen is really fun!"


