Year 4 are looking forward to their Bugtopia trip in the first week back!
4SB enjoyed their visit to 'Bugtopia Zoo.'at Hornsea Freeport
We were amazed by a GIANT ... Madagascan Cockroach, Millipede and African snail. We also held a colourful Corn snake too.
Jubilee Fun in Year 4.
Jubilee Fun in Year 4
We were very busy on Jubilee day at the end of Summer 1! Firstly, all of the children were presented with a special commemorative Platinum Jubilee mug after an Assembly given by Rev Tina Stevens. The mugs had kindly been donated by the Churches in and around Hornsea. Then we made our own decorated crowns to wear during the day and made collages of the Queen. We played games outside and also contributed to an enormous paper chain of hope made by the whole school. The best bit though by far was the Jubilee picnic and the lovely buns made by our school cooks. Happy Platinum Jubilee !
Thank you to Taff and Carin for such a fun morning filled with 'Team building' activities on the Beach.
The children had a fabulous time, as did the adults. We played word matching games, drew pictures in the sand for our team mates to guess, and designed 3D sea creatures which were amazing. Best of all Taff helped us make a fire breathing dragon in the sand as he showed us, safely how to build a small fire in its mouth...the smoke came through his nostrils!
4SB Looking after our World.
We made amazing environmental sculptures using natural objects during RE today.