Times of the school day
8.45am doors open and school starts
Morning Playtime
EYFS - no playtime as the children have access to their own outdoor area throughout the day. Year 1 - 10.30am - 10.45am
Year 2 - 10.45am - 11.00am
Year 3 - 10.15am - 10.30am
Year 4 - 10.30am to 10.45am
Year 5 - 10:30am - 10.45am
Year 6 - 10.45am to 11.00am
EYFS - 11.45am to 12.30pm
Year 1 - 11.55am to 12.40pm
Year 2 - 12.05pm - 12.50pm
Year3/4 - 12.15pm to 1.00pm
Year5/6 - 12.30pm to 1.15pm
Afternoon Playtime
EYFS - no playtime as the children have access to their own outdoor area throughout the day.
Year 1 - 2.00pm - 2:15pm
Year 2 - 2.15pm to 2:30pm
Home Time
Whole School - 3.15pm
Total time in school is 32.5 compulsory hours per week.