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A big thank you to pupils and the PTFA. Our tree 🎄 is ready to be viewed in St Nicholas's church, ready for lights night .

The lions of Hornsea have kindly donated £1200 and this will be used to buy new benches for The Orchard Garden.


Thank you so much for your generous donation


The Orchard Garden


Come and have a look at the orchard garden,

Peter from Annie plant hire has been busy levelling the ground!!

Mr Smith has seeded the area and East Riding council has removed a tree.

Also Pets, Petals and Paws has donated lots of seeds-A great big thank you to all involved

We are developing the area so that our pupils can grow and eat fruit and vegetables that they have produced.


Keep an eye out and watch our journey. I will keep you updated.


Mrs Simmonite 

The Orchard Garden
