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PTFA update


Dear Parents and Carers,


As you know that in September the HCPS PTFA began a recruitment drive to recruit new members. This was a massive success and over 17 new members joined the team. We also have others who have offered to help at larger events.


Our first event as the new PTFA was a Halloween disco for the children. This event was attended by over 300 children and enjoyed by all. The event raised over £1,100. During a recent meeting the PTFA decided to fund Christmas gifts for all children at the school. These have all been individually wrapped by PTFA members and the Lions have very kindly contacted Father Christmas so he can help deliver these gifts. All gifts should hopefully cater for allergy requirements. I am sure these will be appreciated by all.


On Wednesday 20th December, the PTFA are running a Sparkly Christmas event. This will include a disco, Christmas crafts and lots of sparkly fun. I would like to thank all parents and carers for the support as well as the hardworking staff at the school. We also appreciate the local businesses and community groups who have supported us this term. A massive thank you to Co op, Tesco, Heron, Kitty’s Cards and Gift’s, Robinson’s Newsagents, Super Food Market, Men in Sheds, Hornsea Lions and anyone else we may have forgotten.


Have an amazing sparkly Christmas.


The PTFA team
