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Year 4

Christmas fun and meeting Santa

Christmas Sewing Project

Colourful Costa Rica 4SB

4SB have been finding out about the World Cup football tournament in Qatar. We were given lovely Costa Rica in the school draw. First we found out where it was on a World map and then what you would find there if you visited the country.

 Costa Rica is home to huge 'Rain' and 'Cloud' forests, Waterfalls, a 100 Volcanoes and lots of amazing animals including 6 types of Toucans, Sloths and Spider monkeys to name but a few. We also tasted some Costa Rican grown fruit ... very juicy pineapples, bananas and mangoes. 

We love Pudsey in Year 4!

 'Pudsey' was very busy in Year 4 completing lots of Children in need activities ... 

Year 4 Pedestrian Training Day

Year 4 Pedestrian Training.

Heavy rain showers didn't stop the the children in Year 4 really enjoying learning how to cross the road safely. They were taken out in groups to find out how to be safe near near traffic during our Pedestrian training day. Thank you to the staff from the East Riding Council Pedestrian training team.

Super 'Sound' Science morning

'Super Sound' Science Morning.

Year 4 and 4SB really enjoyed our Science morning ... lots of parents/carers came in to help us with the investigations and activities during the morning, and the time really flew by.

Our theme was Sound and how we hear sound through vibrations. We use tuning forks in water to see the patterns that the vibration made. We made Pan pipes using straws and Rain sticks containing rice. The children also enjoyed creating their own Water chimes in jars, Sound word searches and drawing diagrams of an ear ( which is very tricky!)

A visit to Hornsea War Memorial Year 4

Remembrance Day.

The children in Year 4 were able to visit the Hornsea War Memorial for a few minutes as they walked to The Hub for their swimming lessons last week.  They looked at the names that are commemorated on the memorial for soldiers from the Hornsea area, who died in the first and second World Wars. 

Jigsaw 4SB 'Never judge a book by its cover'

4SB explored the meaning of the word 'stereotypes' during our Jigsaw lesson this week by looking at photographs of different people. We made a guess about the persons age, job, hobbies and even favourite food. Then the details about the person were revealed ...there were a few surprises!  One of the children suggested the phrase 'Never judge a book by its cover' which we all agreed was a fabulous title for our work. We made empathy glasses to remind us. 

Never Eat Shredded Wheat ! 4SB Geography

4SB Really enjoyed learning about how to use a 4 point and 8 point compass during our Geography lessons. We made a floating compasses using a needle, grease-proof paper, a magnet and a small tray of water. As we floated the magnetised needle was very exciting to see that all of our 'compass' needles were pointing the same way ... NORTH!

Let’s Learn Together Morning - Solids, Liquids and Gases
