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Week 5 04.05.20

Added 08/05/20


Hello Year Two!

Here are your last set of challenges before the weekend. We can’t wait to see your photos of your VE day celebrations and anything else you would like to share with us. Don’t worry if it doesn’t relate to the tasks of the week, we just love to see your faces!



Remind yourself of this week’s spellings by writing them in red and blue pencils or pens, taking it in turns with each colour.

Then complete your spelling test on this week’s spellings (dated 1st May – suffix ‘tion’).

Please note that there are no spellings for next week as this was planned to be our National Curriculum Test week. If you wish to continue practicing some spellings, the year two Common Exception Words are saved on the school website on our home learning page – you could choose a selection of the more tricky words to practice.



Using what you learnt on Wednesday about VE Day, can you write a quiz about VE day for someone in your family? Don’t forget to use a question mark at the end of each of your questions. If you need a reminder, you could watch the explanation on

An example of a question might be:

What does VE stand for?



During World War 2, Morse code was used to send secret messages. Morse code is a type of code that is used to send information using rhythm. Morse code uses dots and dashes to show the alphabet letters, numbers, punctuation and special characters of a given message. When messages are sent by Morse code, dots are short beeps or clicks or flashes, and dashes are longer ones.

Can you use the Morse Code chart to try and write your name? Remember to leave a space between each letter and a big space between words. Perhaps you could attach a photo of it for other people to guess.

As an extra challenge, I have written someone’s name for you to guess!



Can you ask an adult to help you cook a war time recipe? I have attached some recipe ideas but you may want to search for one of your own.  We’d love it if you could attach a photo of your finished dish.



Why don’t you have a go at dancing one of the war time dances such as The Charleston? There is a short tutorial on (please watch with an adult as we cannot control the adverts on you tube).


Have a great weekend, enjoy the VE Day celebrations, stay safe and we will be in touch with your next set of challenges on Monday.

Mrs Beaumont, Mrs Burton and Mrs Midgley

Added 06.05.20


Good morning Year 2, especially the fantastic children of 2IB, it’s been great to speak to some of you this week! I hope you all have a great day, here are some more challenges for you to have a go at!



Have a look through the PowerPoint I have attached about VE day. Create a poster either by hand or on the computer about the information you have found out. You can research some more facts about VE day if you like as long as you ask an adult first. Why not make them really colourful and put them in your window to show everyone what you have learnt.



Read part of a book – it can be any book that you like! Play a game called Babble Gabble – you need to explain or ‘summarise’ what has happened in what you have read as quickly as you can. Do this to someone in your household or get someone to film you and post it on here for us to see.  



Have a look at the problem attached. Can you write your own problem like this for someone in your household?




Cut out some hands and feet and try putting an obstacle course together a bit like something in the video attached! Who can be the most creative?



Find a plastic toy somewhere in your house that sinks. (ask an adult first!) Build something from things you have in your house or garden to help the toy float in your bath or sink.



We hope you have a fantastic day! From Mrs Beaumont, Mrs Midgley and Mrs Burton.

Added 04/05/20


Good morning Year 2.  We hope you are keeping safe and well. Here are some new things to think about.



Your spellings to revise this week are here:   dated 01.05.20.

One of those spellings is the word ‘fiction’.  Can you familiarise yourself with the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts?  Choose a favourite fiction book and a favourite non-fiction book.  Tell us about them! You could write this down in sentences, ask your parents to post about them for you or create a short video clip of yourself explaining why you particularly like the books. 



Can you complete the balloon buster challenge attached? Work out the answers and decide which balloons can be popped.  You can print this out (but copying the questions is just a good).  Too easy? Create your own version by drawing a balloon buster challenge with a different number target instead of 14.  If you are particularly adventurous, perhaps you could even use real balloons to scribe your questions on and burst the correct ones! 



Focus on the trigraph ‘igh’.  Found in words such as high and light. See if you can think of ten words containing ‘igh’. Then, put those words into alphabetical order!



Follow the popcorn body percussion video linking to noises and beats on Youtube. It speeds up…so watch out! (Use Youtube only with an adult)



Use old magazines, newspapers or food wrappers to create a collage art piece!  See the examples.



Keep going Year 2.  We look forward to hearing from you!

