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Blog Archive: 2015 - 2017

The Great British Bake Off


On Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th, sixteen children took part in baking for three days. On Monday, the children were part of the Signature Challenge, Tuesday, the technical challenge and Wednesday, the show-stopper challenge, where we held a British tea party.

Take a look at our photos...

ALL 12 chicks hatched and are doing very well!

"Faith in Art Day" 15.5.17

Art is one way of trying to express the inexpressible, using not words, but the language of line, colour, shape and texture. Because art often captures what words cannot, it has been a powerful medium for conveying spiritual ideas for centuries. But what makes a work of art religious? The children at HCPS were invited to find out with some amazing results ...


The first chick to hatch!

Awaiting chicks in 5HG...

Let's Learn Together Drop In Morning - Wednesday 24th May 8.45 - 9.45am

All parents and carers are invited to "drop in" to their child's class at 8.45 - 9.45 am on Wednesday 24th May to experience a variety of maths, reading and phonics activities with the children. There will also be the opportunity in the session to talk to the class teacher about the ways in which you can support your child's learning at home. Your children will love the chance to impress you with their learning and show you around their working classroom. We really hope you can make it!

KS1 Easter Celebration Assembly

The children from Year 1 and 2 performed a variety of songs and poems for parents and carers at their Easter Celebration Assembly. In addition, they recited Easter facts and told some Easter jokes. The assemblies were very well attended and 92 families filled in feedback "speech bubbles" to show their appreciation. no. Please see the parent feedback page for details of what they had to say...

Science club: making silly putty

Science club: it's slime time!

Science club week 4: exploring habitats in the forest school

Keeping safe on the Internet assembly.

Science club week 3: cleaning pennies and making lava in a cup!

Science club week 2: Which type of mint makes the biggest fizz?

Science club! This week we mixed water, bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice- have a look at our results!

Christmas comes to Hornsea Community Primary School! 


Primary schools are a magical place at Christmas - there’s always so much going on! We love Christmas time at school because there are so many things to do to get into the festive mood! The Year 6 Nativity was very authentic as we had a REAL baby in it! Every year group has held their own Nativity or concert; some have been held in school and some in the United Reform Church. Teachers and parents of the 93 children in Reception were all so proud of their children’s first ever Nativity performance. They did amazingly well to say many are only four years old! 


We try to think of others at this time of the year and children from school donated 60 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for children who live in poverty. We hope that every one of them will experience some Christmas magic when they open their gift boxes this year. In addition, we'd like to thank people in our local community at this time of year. Children in Year 3 and 4 who are doing their Archbishop of York Young Leader’s Award made Christmas cards and small gifts for Hornsea Inshore Rescue and for the local Police. These were presented to them at school a few weeks ago. 


350 children and 60 staff will indulge in a mouth-watering roast turkey dinner on Thursday so the lunch hall will be full of festive cheer. Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs. Haigh and a few other teachers will be helping the kitchen staff to serve our celebratory lunch. Christmas parties are, of course, a huge hit amongst children. This week every year group has had their party where they can wear their sparkly clothes, enjoy fun and games and dance the afternoon away. 

We went round to interview children and adults about their thoughts about Christmas both in our school and at home this is what some of them said: 

“I think it’s fun at school because we get to wear a Christmas jumper!” 

“We do exciting Christmas activities at school and my favourite is Christmas maths!” 

“At Christmas time I am so happy because I spend so much time with family and friends.” 

“I love everyone being happy and smiling at Christmas – it’s a time of great joy.” 

Finally, we wish everyone from the Hornsea community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The HCPS News Team.




To see all the amazing bugs Year 1 and 2 handled this week please look at our class pages.


Mr Gray's assembly - 'Making the right choices'.


Today Mrs Wild came into school to present caps and certificates to  our sports leaders.





Some of our children have asked us to encourage 'manners' and 'behaviour' in the dinner halls, we have listened to them and are having a 'Manners' week.


All staff at lunchtimes will be looking for:


  • Children saying 'please' and 'thank-you'.
  • Children NOT talking with food in their mouths.
  • Children eating with their mouths closed.
  • Children sitting sensibly and talking quietly, facing the table.
  • Children lining up sensibly and not pushing.
  • Children trying new foods.


Stickers and certificates will be handed out.

Our representatives at the 'Memorial Service' and parade last Sunday. They both held the wreath beautifully with such maturity and respect. They represented the school brilliantly!


Anti-bullying week 14th -18th November 2016

​​​Our theme for Anti-bullying week this year has been "Making a difference." We hoped to encourage children to talk about bullying-whether it is happening to them or to someone else. We have been finding ways for all children, adults, parents or carers to be able to talk about and develop strategies against bullying. Here are a few examples: Role play in Y6, anti-bullying posters in Y5 and Y3, "Friendship flowers" for an anti-bullying garden in 4LW, anti-bullying assemblies in Y1 and Y2 about "The Rainbow fish. " and EYFS made "Monsters" to  scare bullies away.


       A Remembrance display; "Lest we forget" was created by the whole school to commemorate those people who died in conflict or the First and Second World Wars. The children created Poppies and each class made a special card to pay their respect. During the week, HCPS proudly received a special certificate from the Royal British Legion for consistently raising a large amount of money from Poppy sales each year; which was presented by their representative Mr Keith Twigg

Archbishop of York Youth Trust - Young Leaders Award

We are delighted to inform you that 3LW, 3AW and 3/4HR are taking part in the Young Leaders Award this year.


The Young Leaders Award aims to equip young people to 'be the change they want to see' in their local communities, and through a number of interactive lessons and practical challenges our pupils will be involved in serving their community and making a difference.


There will be opportunities for parents/carers and family members to get involved in the community action projects that will take place later in the year, and we will be in touch with more details nearer the time. At the end of the award each pupil will receive a certificate and we will host an awards assembly next year.


Please keep checking in for more photos and details and thank you for your continued support with your child's award...




Caythorpe Court - please see the photographs that have been uploaded onto the class pages for year 6.

***What an amazing start to the academic year... Miss Savage's Baking Club received a special delivery with a royal seal of approval! ***


Yes, you thought correctly, a reply from Balmoral Castle!


So much time and effort had been put into celebrating her Majesty's 90th birthday. From icing over 500 cupcakes (one for every child in school), modelling the queen and her beloved corgis out of fondant icing to writing her letters with photographs attached.


All the bakers got the recognition they truly deserved!

Farewell Year 6!

After our incredibly talented year 6 children wowed us with their Leavers' Show they have continued to sing songs from the show in assemblies this week. The last day at Primary School is always a mixture of happy and sad feelings for children and for staff alike. What a journey these children have had as they have moved through our school! Tobias Boocock from 6NF has produced a wonderful piece of homework which shows his journey through school and he and his family have kindly allowed us to put it on the website to share. We hope you enjoy watching and listening!

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Children who have being "Always Always" for the entire year received their special certificates in an assembly this week. Each child could choose a book as a small gift from the school for this fantastic achievement!

The Hornsea Lions asked us to produce some artwork to decorate their garden for Hornsea Carnival. Children decorated large "hands" with scenes from Hornsea. Look out for them if you are at the Carnival this weekend!

M and M's Theatre Production of "A Twist in Time"

.......When the old Grandfather clock struck "13" Tom was transported back in time to a Victorian garden and his friend Hattie. The children in EYFS, Year 1 and 2 really enjoyed going back in time with Tom and Hattie and singing old traditional songs with them.

Tom's Midnight Garden

Hornsea Musical Extravaganza Performance! 24.06.16

A fanatastic workshop with the 'Mighty Zulu Nation'!

Welcome to our new 'Reading Garden'.

The 'Official Grand Opening' of our 'Reading Garden' will be held after half term. Today some of the children had the chance to use it during break time.  A massive thank you to our sponsors - Foremans, Cherry Tree Garden Design and Friends of Hornsea Community Primary School. You have created a lovely space for our children!

Today has been a very busy day! Our learning objective today was for the children to know that they belong to various groups and communities, such as family or school. Our aim was for everyone to understand how important it is to respect the similarities and differences between each other and other people. The children throughout the school investigated and recorded where in the world they had family ties or origins due to such a diverse culture within our school. 

Britain's Got Talent contestants 'The Garnett Family'.

A Chatterbox Article!

Bun Sale for Cancer Research - Community News!

Our Baby Chicks! 3/4HR

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Our Sportsmanship Assembly


"We learnt that even if we win or lose we should shake hands with the other team." - Sam O


"If you lose a football match just be calm and don't burst into tears." - Oisin


"If you lose respect the other team." -  Lily


"When people score respect them!" - Walter


"Sportsmanship does not just apply to football it can be anything." - Isabell


"If you get sent off don't get angry with the ref." - George


"Dean Windass is believed to have scored the best Wembley goal ever!" - Sam W


"When you are playing sport always work together. There is no 'I' in team!" - Tommy


"If you show sportsmanship it will show others how to behave." - Barty





Travelling by Tuba

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On Wednesday 2nd March Travelling By Tuba visited school. They performed concerts to the whole school then Year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to have workshops making salsa rhythms.


Big Maths Parent Information Sessions


We held two 'Big Maths' information sessions on Wednesday 2nd of March. These were to explain to parents what Big Maths is, why we use it at HCPS, how we teach it and some of the concepts. Meetings were well attended and we had some great feedback from parents.

Big Maths Feedback


"As a grandparent I found this session very interesting and helpful. It will  help me to understand how my grandchildren are taught. Brilliant session! Tables are so important for Maths, excellent session, well presented and explained."


"As this is so different to my schooling. Need a good understanding, so info packs to refer to will be very useful."


"It was brilliant!" Very useful (although I didn't like the test! HAHA!)




First Aid Training


70 year 5/6 children had the opportunity to attend St John's Ambulance First Aid Training. Here are just some of the quotes from the children:


Trinity - "I've learnt so much. I think if I had to, I could save a life!"


Anna - "I think learning first aid is fun and I know how to save lives!"


Jess - "This was a good way to learn how to save lives and deal with minor injuries. It is a good life skill."


Toby B. - " I enjoyed today because it was extremely  fun. My favourite part was putting bandages on Jake."


Davide - "I have learnt how to do a bandage and chest compressions - 30 compressions to 2 breaths." I know how to tilt the head into the right position and breath into someone's mouth."


On Monday, Years 4, 5 and 6 children had the opportunity to watch a theatre performance called ‘Click Clever’. This was an E-safety drama performance to explain to children how they can stay safe online. They then attended a workshop relating to the performance to reinforce what they had learnt. 




'The Consequences of Posting Images Online' competition,  for KS2 was tied into our e-safety  lessons.   -  The Poster competition was to cover these key points:

  • What are the consequences of posting images online?
  • Where do images go?
  • Are the images hard to remove once they are online?
  • How could images online affect children/people?
  • Do you thing people feel differently depending on the content of the picture?
  • Who does it affect?
  • Are there positives to posting images online?
  • Should you ask the permission of the person in the image before you post it online?
  • What makes an image an act of online bullying?


The winners were presented with their prizes in assembly on Friday.

25.02.16 Primary Environment Conference

Listen to our debate!

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In a battle over oil in the Amazon Rainforest, we played the part of the world development bank.



Who can we trust? - Poster competition for EYFS & KS1 was tied into our e-safety Spring 1 lesson. 

The winners were presented with their prizes in assembly today.




It may have been 'Internet Safety Day' on Tuesday but at Hornsea Community Primary school we have been raising awareness across the whole school in Spring 1 and have lots of exciting plans and lessons for the upcoming terms. We have held open floor sessions where the children get to talk about what they like to do on the internet and how to keep safe whilst online. This week we are holding competitions for both KS1 & KS2 to raise awareness. We have had the 'Konflux Theatre Group' in school to work with the children on their E-safety. I had an opportunity to watch the Year 6 workshop with KS2 it was outstanding and very informative. In computing yesterday my group created E-safety conversations using Scratch - we hope you think they send clear and positive messages.


Our parent workshops (25.02.16) are coming up after the half term - please come along and join one of them. Teresa Howlett is a CEOP ambassador, she is very approachable and knowledgeable!smiley 


Do not meet up!
Think about what you post online!
Is it age appropriate?

Homework Spring 1 - 2016


A massive well done to all the children and their families for the wonderful homework this half term. The display of work looked amazing!

British Values Day  - 27.1.16

        We embed British Values daily into teaching and learning at Hornsea  Community Primary School so a day where we focussed on these values allowed us to place a greater emphasis on the main areas of importance and ensure that all of the children and adults in school know what they are and mean. The whole school discussed and explored different aspects of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs through a variety of learning activities.....all dressed in red, white and blue....

On Tuesday 12th January a group of children from Years 4, 5 and 6 went on a trip to Hull for the day. "The Sensational Show" was held at Hull University - children had the opportunity of watching an interactive show in one of the enormous lecture theatres and found out more about our 5 senses. They also found out about other senses that humans have. After that we went to have lunch at Wilberforce House in Hull and then investigated the history of Hull by looking around the Streetlife Museum and Wilberforce House.

3AW - Keeping Safe!

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What would you do?

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Who should you trust?

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​5 4 3 2 1 Blast off! .........
4HG watching British Astronaut Tim Peake set off on a "real life" Science adventure to the International Space Station at 11.03am GMT on 15th December. Very exiting! We'll keep watching over the next six months. Good luck Tim.



A massive thank you to everyone who supported 'Operation Christmas Child'. We collected in 67 shoeboxes!


Year 1/2 JB have been learning how to play the Glockenspiel for the first time today. They have been playing the notes of the Christmas tune of "Jingle Bells" with Mr Pymm.

Anti -bullying week 16th -21st

The key aims of the week were...

To encourage children and young people to talk about bullying – whether it is happening to them or to someone else, face to face or online; (More details to follow later for parents and children on E-safety.)

To help parents and carers have conversations with their children about bullying – both as a way of preventing bullying, and to help children who are worried about bullying; (See details above.)

HCPS to be a place where all children and young people are given a safe space to discuss bullying and other issues that affect their lives, and are supported to report all forms of bullying; To equip teachers to respond effectively when children tell them they’re being bullied; (See Hornsea Community Primary School Anti-bullying policy; School website.)

To raise awareness of the impact of bullying on children’s lives if they don’t tell anyone it’s happening – or if they are not given appropriate support.

Anti bullying week

6NF created 'Stop Motion' animations - themed on 'Children in Need', 'Anti-Bullying' or 'E-safety'.

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Anti-Bullying Animation

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Remembrance Day Assembly - KS1 - November 2015

R.E Day - Places of Worship - October 2015

We have arrived safely!

September 2015

In 4KB the children enjoyed a lively debate as part of their Geography/English studies. Putting  arguments for and against going on a school trip to the Alps to Mrs Whitehead and Mr Woodruff (a school governor). They  are currently deciding...
